Crazy Betty Lue | Teen Ink

Crazy Betty Lue

January 29, 2015
By cjmayes SILVER, St. Paul, Arkansas
cjmayes SILVER, St. Paul, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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(dont got one)

One day a boy name C. J. went walking to a gas station to get some milk. When he turned around the corner, there was no one on or around the streets except for a van park across the street.  C. J. thought this was strange; there were always people around hanging out near the gas station just for fun.  Then he heard a shotgun go off and saw a man in a ski mask running out limping and jumping into the van.  Then the old lady known as Crazy Betty Lue ran out with the shotgun saying, “Come back soon.”  So C. J. got the milk, and when he got home, he told his mom, “I will never steal from Crazy Betty Lue.”


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