California Bay | Teen Ink

California Bay

September 27, 2023
By fill2425 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
fill2425 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last Night I dreamt myself on the hot sand of the beach in 88 degree weather. Off the coast of California I swam in the blank ocean. A long gray and white body glinted in the water, the sharp tooth arised from the surface. Just by touching the water it reminds me of working with it, moving pipes along to see if they fit, to see if the water moves correctly. While wearing some sort of covered shoes such as new balance or nike. The letter N always has a special place in my heart. Like my grandma always said with her heart was to be safe and have fun. It's like i'm living life right now man and this is what imma do til it's over. Almost felt that Drake dropped last night but not till October 6th. Seems rare just like the Big Harry and tall Bigfoot. 

Reminds myself like how I never get to have pancakes when out to eat. Especially a cold glass of creamy chocolate milk. The taste goes on forever even like the number 999,999. Asking people what's the word, but everyone made it confusing like spanish words, which we couldn’t find out what to do.


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