Falling From Grace | Teen Ink

Falling From Grace

December 30, 2010
By Lopez1516 SILVER, Little River, South Carolina
Lopez1516 SILVER, Little River, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you live forever what do you live for"?

The stream flows, it moves quietly and gracefully. Un-noticed, un-judged…………………

They all look at me with scornful eyes, hatred seethes from their pores. They look badly upon me and whatever I do seems strange to them. They point at me and laugh. I run. I run past the crowd, run past the lockers, run past the doors. Seeking escape………………………………

I run and run. No matter how much I run, I end up at school, breathlessly panicking for a way out. They watch me from inside, seeing my next move. I want to crumble, but I can’t, not in front of them……………………………

I close my eyes. I feel the sweat pouring down my forehead, my eyebrows mashed together. I inhale, exhale. Finally I can breath, finally I open my eyes……………

They surround me and I try to run past them. Someone tugs me down; I fall into the mud feeling the tears prickling down as I try to get up. I look down at my burning hands to find them scabbed and bleeding. I look around me as they begin to circle me……………………………………………

I want to scream and cry. I want to fall. I want to break, without them gloating and feeding from my disgrace. I feel a slap to my face before I can react. My face digs into the dirt

My anger comes out. It pulls me apart, and rips its way out. Rain starts to pour, lightning begins to strike. I get up, look at the sky and viciously curl my lips

The author's comments:
A girl so judged she wants to break free. Stripped of her innosence, a monster she becomes.


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