Alexia & the royal forest | Teen Ink

Alexia & the royal forest

April 19, 2013
By AlFonzy1013 SILVER, Mundelein, Illinois
AlFonzy1013 SILVER, Mundelein, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

& the royal forest.

The world has begun to rebuild itself after mankind has brought themselves to an end. In a world where there are no longer any humans but only plants and animals that have been reborn but slightly remade to form a new beauty that only they themselves can fathom. If humans were to see just one of them, it would be like seeing all the Earths beauties in one view. Almost all the animals are evil and want to just hunt for sport, whole others live peacefully with the plants. Most plants are silent, but others are able to speak. Some small plants are able to move around but larger plants choose to stay stationary because it takes too long for them to move anyway. This is the tail about a small flower named Alexia.

It was a beautiful day in the forest, glimmering rivers that were calm yet running. The leaves dangling from the branches with water waiting to fall from its source. The grass was flowing with the wind as a bird would do, with grace and no worries. The views are as beautiful as life itself. One view though seemed to be different but still unique.
There was a tall tree sleeping and seemed to have the essence of a mountain, white on the top, stiff in the middle and kept itself stationary for all to see. But now the unique part was that under the tree was a small flower that had petals blue like ice, that were so beautiful that not even shedding tears would give them justice. Also what even made her even more unique was that on this peaceful, beautiful day she was… crying. Here tears were not for joy or just a stereotypical sadness but for something much larger. Her cry was quiet but enough to awaken the large tree that had been asleep for the entirety of her existence. He saw her cry and took it upon himself to finally speak after almost 60 years.
“Is there something wrong young one?” said the tree.
Out of shock she gasped for the small flower had yet to have spoken to someone in her time of being alive.
“Do not be startled by me. Now please share with me, why are you crying? She attempts to give a reply.
“I feel… I am alone,” she replies.
“Well I am here am I not, besides how do you know you speak the truth,” says the tree.
“Not that kind of alone… what is your name?” says the small flower.
“My name is Gerard. And what shall I call you?”
“You may call me, Alexia.” She said to the now smiling tree named Gerard.
“That is a very beautiful name,” said Gerard. “Now please answer this question, why do you feel alone?”
“As I see the grass with more grass, birds flying with more birds, even you Gerard with your fellow trees, I wonder, why am I not with other flowers?” she says as she has now stopped crying.
“I have seen many things in my time as a tree and I too now wonder why you have no one but yourself,” says Gerard. “Are you able to travel?”
“Yes I can but I don’t know where to go. So I have just stayed here… crying… right here… alone.”
At that moment three flowers come passing by. They have smooth, soft, and delicate petals that are red like you would use to image love but as well as death.
“This was such a good idea; I love this part of the forest. *Gasps* who are you?” says one of them.
“They seem to be somewhat like you. Go on speak to them,” says Gerard to Alexia.
Alexia responds.
“My name is Alexia. Who are you?”
At that moment Starly sees the true unique beauty of Alexia and immediately becomes envious. For Alexia has been given more beauty than Starly could even obtain.
“My name is Starly and these are my sisters Ki-Ki and Canishca. Tell me are there others like you?”
“No… I think I am alone,” she stated.
“Good because you look just horrendous.”
“Now why would you say that?” Gerard arose from being in the background, “she is far more beautiful than all three of you combined.”
“Says the tree that obviously doesn’t understand true beauty when has just come into its presence,” yelled Starly.
“Alexia is far more unique and delicate than you will ever be!”
At that moment a large rhinoceros was awoken from his own cave and began to feel hungry. This rhinoceros had a diet consistent of flowers and craved the taste of rare ones.
He then spotted the fight between Starly and Gerard but spotted a flower he hadn’t seen many years. He sneaked behind Gerard and once the rhino was sure they were distracted he ramped down the trees he was using for cover. He rushed at Gerard with full force. He forced Gerard to fall over and then moved in for the kill on Alexia. The rhino had cornered her and when she yelled for Starly and his sisters for help, there was no response. She was sure she was alone once again for Gerard was no longer with them.
“Go ahead do your worst,” she exclaimed at the rhino. “I am alone I have nothing to lose so go ahead.”
Right when the rhino was coming in for the delicious taste he has craved for over 80 years. But then a lion came out of the trees and scared the rhino who was probably at the other side of the forest by the end of this.
“Please come with me young one, do not be afraid.”
“Who are you?” Alexia asked the lion.
“I am the king of this forest. In a sense I created you and almost all things in this forest except for that beast.
“I’m not sure how do I know you are speaking the truth?”
“Let me prove it to you, here let me help your friend.”

He then stood above the fallen tree and restored it to its fully living self.

“Sire, it has been a long time. Thank you for bringing me back to your glorious forest,” said Gerard.

“No need for thanks, you were taken from me without reason and suffered because of it. I merely owed it to you. Now as for you…” he looks back to Alexia. “Please. Let me return you to your family.”

“Alright,” she said finally in a voice of pure happiness.

She was about to leave but then Gerard approached her.

“Wait, would you leave without saying good bye?”

She stood there with a smile.

“I want you to remember this. Even if you don’t have people with the same features or are the same as you, remember this; you will always have the king and his forest to be with you. That is speaking the truth,” said Gerard.

“Good bye and thank you, Gerard,” said Alexia.

“Good bye and your welcome, Alexia,” said Gerard.

She went upon the kings back and moved at the so quickly that the rivers glimmered and calm yet running, the leaves dangled from the branches with water falling from its source, and the grass flowed with the wind as a bird would do… with grace and no worries.

The author's comments:
I was thinking of making this in my head as a short anime film. Also I wanted to try a different type of writing than I am used to.


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