A Special Birthday | Teen Ink

A Special Birthday

August 12, 2015
By NDMF33 BRONZE, Jerantut, Other
NDMF33 BRONZE, Jerantut, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside the window. I smiled when I woke up that morning. I had no idea why, but I am really in high spirits. I felt like jumping the air. I wanted to spend my time with my family today with joy. Therefore, I quickly took a refreshing bath and got dressed.

When I walked down the stairs, I was taken aback. Colourful balloons hung on every inch of the wall, chairs and tables were arranged neatly on the right side of the living room and a huge banner hung above my head with a big 'Happy Birthday Arissa!' written on it. Suddenly, my mother who came from behind me gave me a big hug. Soon, all my family members showed up in front of me. They had huge smiles on their faces. Now I remember! Tomorrow is my birthday! What a wonderful surprise! I simply can't wait to tell my classmates and teachers. They promised me that this party will be beyond me wildest dreams.

That afternoon, my parents, siblings and neighbours were as busy as bees decorating our garden. Since they won't let the birthday girl lend a helping hand, my mother gave me the privilege to use her credit card to buy a birthday dress for my birthday party . After giving her a big hug, I ran as fast as lightning to Dahlia's house. She and Maria are my best friends since we were kids. When I arrived, her mother opened the door for me. She looked awfully worried. She told me that Dahlia was admitted to the hospital as she was suspected to have a dengue fever. If she doesn't recover soon, I may not be able to spend time with her for a few weeks.

With a sad feeling, I walked towards Maria's house hoping that she was fine. To my surprise, her house was clearly empty. I knocked on the door a few times already but still no response. Then, her neighbour came out and told me that Maria's grandmother was admitted to the hospital. Therefore, they had to rush to the hospital. Before leaving, I thanked Maria's neighbour. I walked down the street with a sad feeling. I guess my two most nicest friends in the world won't be joining my birthday party.

I didn't want to disappoint myself so I decided to go shopping alone. At least I got to do what I really love most. As I headed towards the bus station, dark clouds  started looming above my head. A cold chilly wind gave me a shiver. A storm was coming. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring an umbrella with me. Therefore, I had no other choice but to home. When I reached home, rain started pouring. My parents were surprised to see me empty-handed. I just smiled at them although I knew that my smile was a cold forceful smile.

I locked myself in my room without a single word. Seconds later, there was a knock on the door. When I unlocked the door, my mother came in carrying a plastic bag on her right hand. Hmm... I wonder what's inside the bag. She sat beside me and took out a beautiful blue dress decorated with delicate embroidery. There was even a matching charm bracelet that would add a charming look to the dress. I had to say, the dress was simply eye-catching. My mother would be glad if I could wear the dress at the party since I don't have a dress to wear. She used to wear the dress when she was around my age. I just smiled and thanked her.

The next morning, I woke up early in the morning and got ready. It took me a long time to get ready. Soon, my friends, teachers and some of my family members arrived. They all wore fancy dresses and beautiful accessories. When I had finished, I walked down the stairs with a sweet smile on my face. As I walked, I could feel that the spotlight was on me. I could feel that all eyes were focused on me. Realizing this, I felt a bit shy since everyone was staring at me. The first person who spoke to me was my own mother who said how beautiful I looked. My heart felt at ease.

The party was in full swing. Everyone seemed to be having their time of their lives. Some of them were dancing happily across the floor. Some of them were enjoying the food and drinks which were laid neatly on the table. Some of them were just hanging around in the garden chatting with each other. I decided to get some fresh air outside. As I walked outside, I heard a faint sound of someone weeping. The sound was coming from behind the garbage bin near the big tree. I hesitated but my curiosity was starting to grow over me. With slow steps, I walked towards the garbage bin and saw a girl weeping. Her head was burried in her hands as she cried. As I crept closer, the girl suddenly stood up when she saw me.

I could clearly see her eyes which were red with tears rolling down her cheeks. I tried comforting her using my softest voice as I can. The girl had beautiful fair skin and shiny eyes. Sadly, her charms were blinded by her own tears. I took her to a nearby tree. Since she looked very sad, I decided to be friendly with her to lighten up her mood. I always loved making new friends and it turned out, I am very good at it! The girl smiled as I wouldn't stop talking. Suddenly, I saw my mother wondering around the garden as if she was looking for something. She probably must be searching for me. Before I went home, I promised the girl that we would meet again one day.

As I walked away, the girl stopped me from going as if she had something important to say. I sat down beside her again. This time, it was the girl who did the talking.

     "I am sorry, you must be wondering who I am and where I came from. My name is Jasmine.Actually, I ran from home." The girl told me.

"Really? Why? Did something bad happen to your family?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Well, my family and I are not in good terms nowadays. At first, I absolutely have no idea why my parents kept on bickering with each other. Today, I just found out why. My father just got married to another lady and my mother is truly heartbroken. I was really angry with my father so I fled out of the house. I left the house without him knowing. After all, why should I stay anymore? My mother also left as soon as she heard the news. I don't ever want to go back. But I don't know where to go now. What should I do?"

Without any hesitation, I asked her to join my party. The words just zoomed out of my mouth. Therefore, we both went in the house. As we came in, all eyes were on both of us. The whole house fell into an awkward silence. Irritated with the deafening silence, I decided to break the silence myself.
"Everyone, I have a special guest with me. She lives far away from here so she had to rush here. The point is, I am really glad that I have a new friend to complete my birthday party since my two best friends couldn't make it here. Therefore, I would like everyone to give her a warm welcome. Let's make her feel like home here. That's all, thank you. Enjoy the party."

With that, I took Jasmine's hand and we ran up to my room. Then, I took out one of my favourite dresses and asked Jasmine to wear it. At first, Jasmine was hesitant to wear it but after I pleaded and pleaded, she finally gave in and wore the dress. As I had expected, the dress fitted her perfectly. Jasmine looked charming wearing that dress.

After that, we had the time of our lives. We danced across the floor, ate at the porch and even shared secrets with each other. My day was filled with laughter and happiness. In fact, I even forgot all my sorrows and didn't stop smiling. What's more important, Jasmine has made me feel like a real birthday girl should feel. Nothing else but joy and happiness. Out of all my birthday parties, this one will never be forgotten. Why? Because there is nothing more special than spending time with a new friend at your birthday party. This is truly a party to remember.


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