Motion Game | Teen Ink

Motion Game

February 12, 2016
By Amrit_A BRONZE, Larchmont, New York
Amrit_A BRONZE, Larchmont, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, a mom thought that her son, Bob, wasn’t responsible enough to get a house so she kept Bob in the basement of her home, and he was only allowed to go out once a week, and every week Bob would visit the park. It had trash and three birds. He often ate smoked-turkey sandwiches with carrot ginger soup. They are sitting in front of a lake in the middle of winter.
“So, I think you're still not responsible enough to get your own house!” ordered their mom, Sue.
“But, I’m 40!” Bob said.
“Things weren't like that in the old days. In my day I moved out of the house when I turned 55 years old.”
“That’s kind of weird.”
“Well things change sometimes!”
“Not in my house.” she taunted.

One of Bob’s fears was that he never would be able to make his own decisions. Bob needed to escape and fast, so he called in his brother, Eric, to help. The only problem was that his brother also lived in the same house so he was stuck with the same problem too. He lived in the other basement divided by a concrete wall.Eric had been stuck in the basement for 43 years, and was 3 years older than Bob. He was also much stronger and bigger than Bob, which sometimes made Bob scared.

Bob and Eric tried very hard to come up with a plan to escape the basements. But neither of them had any money.
“What do you think we should do?” Asked Bob.
“Maybe we could write to someone.”
“Hmmm... Do you have a drill?”
“No... DUH!” Screamed Eric.
“Quiet down their!!!!!!” ordered Sue.
“Ok Ok! Let’s write a letter.” said Bob

They decided to call their uncle who is a politician who is a really good negotiator. He is going to try to negotiate with the mom to get him out of the basement jail. Only Eric has an email because he is older, so in order to send a letter, Bob has to convince Eric to send it, but usually Eric doesn’t cooperate and plays jokes on Bob.

His email looked like this,
Hi Fred,

We’ve been stuck in the basement for 30 years. And we need your help to get out. We’re old enough, but our mom doesn’t think so. Could you please convince her?

Eric and Bob
P.S. Bob is stupid.

Eric and Bob had to wait days before Fred responded. Even though their house was eligible for fast internet, their mom bought the worst internet to torture them, and it took 3 minutes to load a webpage, and about 5 hours for the email to process sending. Finally Fred replied and it turned out that, even though he was a politician, he was corrupt and Sue had paid him millions of dollars to not help the boys.

The email looked like this:
Hello Mr. Bob and Mr. Eric,
I have received your email, and even though it was in a 8 bit font because your internet is so bad, I was able to decipher it. Let me get to the point as quick as possible. I will not help you out, because you are 40 years old, and you should be able to escape the house by yourself. And on a side note, if you are not able to escape in the next 7 days, I will shut off your internet because you don’t deserve it.

And of course, since Fred was an evil person, he wrote in a high resolution font, so that it would take a long time to load on their computers. They even crashed once. It made Bob, and Eric, mad and they vowed that they would escape from the house in the next 7 days, and they would not let Fred shut of their internet. They realized that there only solution, they had to escape during the next park trip, next week.

Three days, the boys had time to think, and they decided that they would escape, by running in opposite directions.

“Bob and Eric, it’s time to go to the park.” said Sue.
“YEAH LET’S GO RIGHT, BOB?!!?” said Eric.
“Yeah, let’s go!”
“What do you want to eat?!”
“Same as last week.”
“Which is....?”
“I don’t know, you remember.”
“See, this is why I have to keep you in the house till youre 55!”
“Mom, it was a turkey smoked-turkey sandwich, with carrot ginger soup.
“Ok, I’ll bring it.”

As soon as, they started walking towards the park, Bob made sure to be at least 10 steps ahead  of Eric and Sue.
“Hey! Wait for me” said Eric.
“Come back here.” said Sue
Bob agreed, and he came back, but Sue grabbed his hand to make sure he didn’t run off.
“I hope you weren’t trying to run off. Were you?” asked sue.
“N..N..No, of Course not.” answered bob.
“Yeah, I hope not too.” also answered Eric.
When they got to the park, Eric bolted, but Bob was still stuck, with Sue.
“Come back here Eric, I knew you would run away!”
“Let me go!” screamed Bob, but Sue’s grip was strong.
She dragged Bob home, and threw him back in the basement, this time in Eric’s side.
“When he opened the computer he found that his internet was shut down, and he found a document on Eric’s computer, about hacking the home’s security system. Eric only had one line of code left, so Bob had to figure that out how to write that last line of code. He spent the next five days, deciphering the code, and writing the last line of code.
Finally, Bob was able to write it, and he picked the lock, of his basement and his front door. His mom was still in the house, but he knew if he ran fast enough, she wouldn’t be able to catch him. He bolted through both his doors, and made it outside.


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