Some Time in the Future..... | Teen Ink

Some Time in the Future.....

February 17, 2010
By cswaz BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
cswaz BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Live each day as you would live your last day on earth"

Throughout my years of existence here on Earth, I have been forced to prevail life’s tragedies as they come. As I grew older I finally found that it is okay to reside into your deepest thoughts, so this is what I will do now.

During my adolescent years, I was stricken by life and its cruel ways. I did not know it back then but now I know that it has made me the man I am today. At the early age of fifteen, my life changed, yet again. However, this time there was no turning back. Even if I had tried I would have never won because I was enjoying the new life much more.

At the start of my sophomore year at Career Education Center (CEC) I met a group of individuals that helped me sculpt my life into a journey that has brought amazing opportunities and adventures for seventy years. Survival has always been an uphill battle for me. These individuals have become apart of my family indefinitely. My brothers Ricky and Miguelito have been through it all with me. It is easy to say as I dwindle down to my last day, my kids will be left in good hands.

It has been a pleasure growing up with these two guys. Nobody will never know what they have done for me. I am sure that my brother Ricky will continue making the best of his life. He has made an excellent career in helping others by helping his fellow detectives solve murders here in Colorado. He will continue caring for the ones he loves. He will always except failure but will never except not trying. I am positive that he will continue to pursue opportunities making sure his kids live the life they deserve, as he did for me.

Miguelito has been a rekindled spirit in my life. His reluctance to not give up on anything he does has rewarded him well. He has a great family behind him here in Denver. Miguel has became a successful business owner and teacher. Helping humanity will always be his strongest ability. He will surely be recognized for his excellence.

There have been four girls who have helped me make it through life. Blanca, Liz, Trinh, and Debbie. Meeting Blanca sophomore year at CEC may have been one of the best things to ever happen. Back then when we were not close enough to know everything about each other, she has helped me get through a lot of my emotions. Her stubborn ways have brought her a great career as a successful business owner. She has saved many animals by raising awareness throughout the nation.

Liz has done a great job bringing down criminals. She has became a top female detective throughout Colorado. Her husband has done well in the law enforcement as well. I am sure one of her two kids will follow in her foot steps. Word around the state is that she is the most respected women in her department and with her friends.

Trinh has done well for herself. She has been by my side making sure I am receiving the best care and correct medication as time slowly comes to a stop. She has retired from her years as a physicians assistant, but still continues to make her presence known throughout Denver. She will make sure her child gets every opportunity to succeed. Failure will never be an option for her.

Debbie have came a long way. It was a difficult road for her to travel, but she has been rewarded. She as well, has made sure I am comfortable. Her family will never give up on her. Her husband and children surround her with the love that she needs. Her nursing abilities has helped many children throughout the nation as kids from all over, visit her floor at The Children’s Hospital. I am glad she took part in shaping my life.

As I open my eyes for the last time, I look to my right and to my left. Astonished to see sitting to my right, my brother Ricky, my brother Miguelito, and Debbie smiling as each of them comfort my children. I smile and turn to my left and I see Liz, Blanca, and Trinh standing tall with no fear upon their beautiful face. I look up towards the ceiling and whisper “Thank you.” I hear to my right, “we ride together, we die together, bad boys for life,” with that said I look over and raise my hand to Ricky’s. Our hands meet and he gives me a hug and quietly says, “tell Jennifer I said hi, and tell her that I said you and her can never spend a day apart again, I love you bro.” I smile once again and take my last breath as a single tear rolls down my cheek. I walk through the gates and say with a sigh “what a life…”

The author's comments:
Since it is my senior year of high school, my teacher asked us to pick people from our graduating class, and write about their life ten years from now. I have always been inspired by my close friends. Their love for me inspired me to write about them. I hope people will realize that true friendships are out there, you just have to look for them!


This article has 1 comment.

R1C5Y said...
on Feb. 22 2010 at 2:01 pm
Wow. You did a great job at establishing yourself and other characters. Then going into and explaining their lives.