The Way The Moon And The Sun Love | Teen Ink

The Way The Moon And The Sun Love

December 10, 2023
By Anonymous

Our love. Something unexpected. Something you’d wish for but also hate to be in. But in our eyes we love it. We love the way we are and how our relationship is. If you think about it our love is like the sun and the moon. The moon and sun wish to be together. They wish to be next to each other, holding each other, and counting their days together until they're both together. But the moon and the sun don’t belong together. That’s what everyone thinks and says. They believe the sun and the moon are suppose to be in two different areas and never together. But when they do collide together for the slightest bit of time. The whole world just stops and stares and wonders how this such thing could happen. But the moon and sun could care less. They stay together no matter what people say, no matter how long they stare, and no matter what people think. When the sun and the moon get with each other they know they only have little time together. So they appreciate it but later in life, it’s like the sun and the moon were never together and everyone stops talking about it. Us humans are like the sun and the moon. We wish to be with that someone be with each other, but people speak, stare, and get mad over that. So we all hide our love and feelings for each other in secret. Hoping one day people will understand. Hoping one day people will see how we truly are meant for each other. One day the sun and the moon will be excepted and when that day comes. The whole world will collide. But that won’t matter to them, because they finally got the chance they deserved. They finally got to see what love was like when it was just the two of them involved in it, when no one else had nothing to say because they decided to void it all out. We could all learn a lot from the sun and the moon. When things are meant to be the way it was meant to be for them there will always be a way to it no matter how big the struggle is to get to it. There will always be a way. 

The author's comments:

I write when no one else listen to me. It's like my therapy. It's the way I can recognize my own emotions without having to tell anyone about anything, but instead keeping it all to myself just letting it out in a different way.

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on Sep. 25 2024 at 4:25 pm
kestradallisor, Anchorage, Alaska
0 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.<br /> -Oscar Wilde

I love the metaphor of an eclipse and the moon and sun.