the world as we know it | Teen Ink

the world as we know it

March 5, 2009
By Colin Flavin BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
Colin Flavin BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The world is in bad shape and it's our job to fix it. With all the pollution slowly but surly the world is dying and the government continues to let people pollute our great planet. If we don't stop it this planet that we hold so dearly will fall into a place that there will be of no turning back. So we must unite and save the many beautiful things of our planet so that we can save our world from sadness and death. The government needs to put an ear out and open their eyes because soon it will be to late. They need to out law cars and make cleaner ones, they need to protect the trees and habitats of many animals that are dying because of us and our mistakes. So let us unite together and save our planet from the thing we fear most Death to the planet.


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