Long Term Effects of Child Abuse: You’re Not Alone and People Can Help | Teen Ink

Long Term Effects of Child Abuse: You’re Not Alone and People Can Help

January 29, 2016
By hunteriam10 BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
hunteriam10 BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
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Child and teen abuse is a serious problem that most people can’t see in actual people outside of heath class examples.  Between home beatings, sexual assault, and being told you’re not good enough kids around the world are having their lives taken from them.  Child neglect is the leading term for these kinds of abuse.  The definition of child neglect is lacking the provision of physical, mental, emotional, and/or educational needs.  There are several kinds of child neglect.  Neglect of a child's educational needs is second place with an astonishing 29% of reported cases.  Third is emotional neglect holding a 20% average.  The first place holder is physical neglect.  This not only includes battering but the withholding of shelter, water, food, or other physical needs of a child.  This holds the first place with 51% of neglect cases. This is a serious growing problem in the United States and worldwide.   Anywhere between 3.3 and 10 million children are exposed to extreme violence each year.  A reported number of 700,000  average cases of domestic abuse of a child.  1,250 were reported to have died from physical abuse or neglect, 27% under the age of 3.  That is 10 million children who can never un-see or un-feel that pain.  1,250 children that will never get to grow old and see the world.  1,250 children that could have one day cured cancer, 1,250 people who could have ended world hunger.

What most people do not understand is that there are countless reactions to abuse.  There are the classroom examples of the out going student looking for control in things such as drugs and aggression.  Another could be the overly perfect student, someone who is scared that they’ll make a mistake.  But the ones that no one thinks to look out for are the people that act just like you.  Your best friend who is always happy and without a care in the world.  It could be the quiet student in the back you never got to know.  There is no way to know how different people will react to abuse because no one person is the same, we’re all unique.  Some of the signs of abuse are behavior changes including fear, insecurity, depression and anxiety.  Changes in school, their social circles, and even their sleeping schedules.  Some of the bigger signs are injuries, trouble walking or sitting, and bruising.  Other indicators are drugs and alcohol.

Some of the things that happen when children are abused is not only physical damage, but mental scarring.  People who grew up in abusive homes are 2/3rds more likely to drop out of school and take up hard drugs such as meth and coke.  Your brain does not fully develop until the age of 25 and teen drug use that usually leads into adulthood have been connected to IQ’s dropping as low as 8-15 points, though there is a proven link between drug use and low IQ’s it is not a guaranteed and should be looked for case by case; cases related to low IQ’s are commonly associated with seizures and O.D.’s  

People who were abused as a child hold a higher risk of getting involved with illegal activity and are more likely to be arrested.  80% of people in state prisons report being sexualy assaulted and/or being beaten as a child, and 2/5s of women have been sexually abuse in some way.  Another astonishing fact is that 2/3rd of the people serving prison time for sexual abuse had victims under the age of 18. 

Some of the most common reactions to abuse of any form are , depression, social problems, and  criminal acts as both teens and adults, and being overly sexual leading to teen pregnancy.  Things like teen pregnancy and substance abuse are things that will affect you for the rest of your live.  If you have child you will always wonder what is happening to them and if they are going through the same thing you did, or if you decide to raise them always worry about the life you could give them and the challenges you’ll face.  Another startling fact is that kids who do drugs cut off the oxygen to their brains causing stunted brain growth and will permanently alter their minds from the first use, this includes smoking marijuana and cigarettes. 

Two of the most common reactions to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse is self harm and suicide, usually associated together.  There is a daily average of 5,400 suicide attempts a day between the grades of 7 and 12.  The worst part is that 4/5 teens show clear signs days even weeks before committing suicide.  Suicide is at second largest cause of death for people between the ages 10 and 25.  Only the second largest killer next to automobile accidents and drunk driving.  Suicide kills more people than war and natural disasters combined.  That is 5,400 kids a day that couldn’t see any other way out.  5,400 kids who could not see an end to their torment and daily lives.  5,400 kids that could have been saved.

If you or someone you know might be considering suicide or are experience abuse please call 1(800) 273-8255 They are the National Suicide Prevention line and are open 24/7 and have lines in both English and Spanish.  These people like so many others work towards showing people that there is another way out and that there is always hope.  Because there always is.  Another great thing to do is; if you know someone who you think might be being abused or is hurting themselves please tell an adult.  Whether your teacher, counselor or your parents.  I promise no matter how minor the problem might seem it could be crippling to the victim.  When that is all you can see many can’t see an end. 

If you are a victim there are many places that can help.  There are places like Alateen and Al-Anon.  These groups are focused on making a safe place for teenages with family members that are alcoholic and drug users to share and work through their anger and depression.  They are a 12 step program that helps work through your completely natural feelings.  These groups are completely anonymous just like AA and other support groups.  If you are looking for a safe place or know someone who might need someone.  Talk to your schools and see if there are any local meetings in your town.  There are also 24/7 phone lines and secure safe online chats if you can not make it to the meetings.  These people, like many others, are focused on making lives better and showing people that they are not alone. 

Please, if you are looking to learn the warning signs of suicide, depression, and abuse look for school and local meetings such as SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions, or see if your school has their own programs.  Abuse and suicide are slowly becoming the number one killers of kids and teens and if we as a people do not stand up against it this epidemic will never end.  You never know what someone has gone through or is going through so please do what you can to make everyday count for everyone.  Programs like SADD and Alateen work towards showing people that there are ways out and that life is always worth living because it is.  If your school and local districts do not have a program such as SADD, I urge you to look more into it and possibly save lives.  Also if you are worried that someone you may know is considering suicide you can find more facts and warning signs.

Even if you think that there is no other way and to think that there is no one who could understand, there is.  Someone feels the same way you do and understands everything you’ve been through because they have been through the same thing.  You never have to be alone.  Ever.




11 Facts About Teen Dating Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2016, from https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-teen-dating-violence
Child Abuse Statistics - Teen Help. (2015, November 10). Retrieved January 23, 2016, from https://www.teenhelp.com/teen-abuse/child-abuse-statistics/
Family Abuse (and the effect on teenagers) - Free Yourself from Domestic Abuse | LeavingAbuse.com. (2015, August 23). Retrieved January 25, 2016, from http://leavingabuse.com/family-abuse-and-the-effect-on-teenagers/
Lyness, A. (2015, August 01). About Teen Suicide. Retrieved January 23, 2016, from http://kidshealth.org/parent/emotions/behavior/suicide.html
(n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2016, from https://www.justthinktwice.com/how-does-drug-use-affect-your-high-school-grades
Save. Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2016, from http://www.save.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.viewpage&page_id=705f4071-99a7-f3f5-e2a64a5a8beaadd8
Suicide Prevention Information for Teens | Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2016, from http://www.sptsusa.org/teens/
Types of Abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2016, from http://www.ncea.aoa.gov/FAQ/Type_Abuse/index.aspx
Youth Suicide Statistics - Parent Resource Program. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2016, from http://jasonfoundation.com/prp/facts/youth-suicide-statistics/

The author's comments:

This article provides the terrifying facts of child abuse and it shows the victims that they are not alone.  In this article I adress the hot topic issues such as abuse and suicide.  I not only wanted to write this article for the family friends and schools of kids that have been victimized but for the people themselves. You are not alone and there are people who can and will help you because they know what you have gone through.


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