Tom Theriault | Teen Ink

Tom Theriault

January 4, 2011
By Nicole Theriault SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nicole Theriault SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tom Theriault, 47, noticed that a bunny was eating the flowers around his house one summer, so he set a live trap to catch the bunny. He wanted to let it go someplace else, so it would leave the flowers alone.
He was cutting the grass and passed the live trap twice. By the third time, he noticed something was different.
“I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was a skunk in the live trap.”
He says he then thought, how am I going to get ride of the skunk.
His brother happened to be stopping over to drop something off, so was able to help Tom come up with a plan. They decided to open a garbage bag and but in inside a large cardboard box. As they were approaching the skunk, it sprayed.
“I didn’t get sprayed directly, but the smell was in the air and it smelt horrible.”
They dropped the bag with the box over the top and had a whole on the top of the box so Tom could grab the live trap. The bag dropped down so it would stop the skunk from spraying them.
“We carried it to a field at least 400 yards away down the road hopping it wouldn’t come back.”
As Tom pulled the bag off, he jumped away. They brought a broom handle with them so they could open the trap from as far away as possible.
“As I opened the trap, I was hoping it would run the other way. Thankfully, it did.”


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