Religious Interview | Teen Ink

Religious Interview

December 7, 2015
By izze9912 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
izze9912 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Isaiah: Hello good-afternoon, how are you doing? Please state your name.
Charlene: My name is Charlene O'Quinn and I’m doing well.
Isaiah: What is your religion?
Charlene: I am a Christian.
Isaiah: Describe God as you understand him.
Charlene: “I understand God to be a higher power, someone we worship and love”
Isaiah: Tell me about a time you questioned or doubted God.
Charlene: “When I was younger I questioned him as to why I had a drug-addict mom, who actually overdosed due to God she’s alive and drug free.
Isaiah: Please talk about a time you felt close to God?
Charlene: “In 2012, I felt really close with him. Everything was peaceful and I did a great job at listening to his direction. I was attending church weekly and it was just a good time in my life.
Isaiah: Would you say your childhood shaped your future? Affected how you are today?
Charlene: My childhood is a part of who I can but didn’t shape who I am.
Isaiah: Why do you believe in God?
Charlene: ”Because this is what I was taught from my grandma at a very young age. He was a very influential figure to us and was imprinted down onto me”.
Isaiah: How has family influenced your religion?
Charlene: “My grandma Lilly Mae Davis instilled worship and praise service at home.
Isaiah:  Have you ever been introduced to other religions?How did it go?
Charlene: Yes, Jehovah Witnesses do it all the time. I was once invited to the “hall” while getting my hair done. I have several Muslim friends who try to get me to switch religions but they don’t try so much now.
Isaiah: If possible what would you ask/say (to) God?
Charlene: If life started with just Adam and Eve and eventually branched off. Are we all related?
Isaiah:What’s something that you like/dislike/puzzles you about another religion?
Charlene:”I’m puzzled on why the Jews treated Jesus the way they did being he was one of them.”
Isaiah: How can you use your testimony/experience to help others?
Charlene:I can help by telling my different adversities and how I overcame them in my life by beating the odds. I can help guide those in dark spells, those who feel like they’ll never be anything or why they are in such a messed up situation.
Isaiah: Have to tried to share/ spread your religion on others?
Charlene: Yes, I’ve shared and tried to keep people motivated in their belief. I’ve called in on the radio and have made testimonies to help promote my religion.
Isaiah: How did it go?
Charlene:It went well, most people were receptive and one friend who’s Atheist and I’ve learned to accept her belief.
Isaiah: Do scriptures help you make it through hardships?
Charlene: Scriptures are extremely valuable in conquering all that I face daily. the problem comes when I don’t meditate and read the WORD daily.

The author's comments:

Truthfully, I did this assignment because it was required for a grade.


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