Teen memoirs on a variety of experiences | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Memoirs

By alpomp12 SILVER
Odenton, Maryland

I watched as he provoked her decision to get in the car. Nothing I could do or say could possibly change Steph’s mind. She made her choice the moment she laid her pretty blue eyes...
alpomp12 SILVER, Odenton, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

By emmacxoxo PLATINUM
Chelsea, Massachusetts
emmacxoxo PLATINUM, Chelsea, Massachusetts
22 articles 6 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
Okay. Okay.

By lcalviello BRONZE
Port Jefferson Station, New York
lcalviello BRONZE, Port Jefferson Station, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
LoEssie BRONZE, Freeport, New York
3 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
A room without books is like a body without a soul. I don't know who wrote that, it was just on an advertisement at my library. . . hahaha.

By polypore BRONZE
San Jose, California
polypore BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
SwimGoggleEyes BRONZE, West New York, New Jersey
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wait 'till they get a load of me.

By Anonymous
By naminesfriend GOLD
Jessup, Maryland
naminesfriend GOLD, Jessup, Maryland
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
An eye for an eyeball, a tooth for a toothball.

By Anonymous