Hurting me | Teen Ink

Hurting me

March 12, 2010
By cherryberry BRONZE, Wittmann, Arizona
cherryberry BRONZE, Wittmann, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

So now i'm the one at Three o clock in the morning crying my heart out of my chest for you. all I can hear is the fan spinning round, round, round, it goes, never stops till I want it to. Why could'nt my mind be the same way. I dont want to hear myself think anymore, all my thought's are just only about you. you spin so fast inside my head, I cant even catch up to tell you to stop. the only thing ive ever wanted from you is a chance or at least a chance of a life time experience.but, I never got nether. the thought of you loving someone else brakes me into millions. its gonna take years to pick all my pieces of my heart up because its shattered everywhere with you. Your smile alone knocks the breath out of me. now, there is NO wind left inside of me. so im dying as the seconds pass by, where are you to give me air again

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