Personal experience essays written by teens | Teen Ink

Personal Experience

Most recently submitted Personal Experience Articles

By mang9believe GOLD
Rigby, Idaho

After that day and after that moment I never wanted to breathe again. Activities and events suddenly seemed unpromising and unmemorable to me and my hopeless heart. I just slept th...
mang9believe GOLD, Rigby, Idaho
19 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You were smitten with me. You were speechless to behold my beauty. You had never met anyone so fascinating. You thought of me every waking minute. You dreamed about me. You couldn’t stand it. You couldn’t let such wonderfulness out of your sight" SC

Vancouver, Washington
Damon BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
3 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I dont want to be a product of my enviorment, i want my enviorment to be a product of me" (jack nicolson

Identity_Unknown BRONZE, Carrollton, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Here are two:<br /> 1. &quot;I write to understand as much as to be understood.&quot;<br /> 2. &quot;There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win.&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> -These are both by Elie Wiesel

By Anonymous
By mollypop013 BRONZE
Niagara On The Lake, Other
mollypop013 BRONZE, Niagara On The Lake, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment
By kandyraye SILVER
Parkton, North Carolina
kandyraye SILVER, Parkton, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not measured by the number of breaths that you take, but measured by the number of times your breath is taken away

By BroadwayBaby92 GOLD
Punta Gorda, Florida
BroadwayBaby92 GOLD, Punta Gorda, Florida
19 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you&#039;re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn&#039;t love you anymore.&quot; <br /> &mdash; Lady Gaga

By Anonymous
By raymond BRONZE
Union City, California
raymond BRONZE, Union City, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments