Vinnie was wrong | Teen Ink

Vinnie was wrong

August 14, 2009
By artemisjones BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
artemisjones BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my ax"-Abraham Lincoln

There was a man named Vinnie and he needed construction done on his place. He asked his friend Paul to help him in exchange for an old antique car. Paul did the work and said he would pick the car up by the end of the weekend.An antiques collector came and wanted to buy the car for $1800. Vinnie sold the car to the collector. But when the collector returned for the car, Paul had already took it home. The collector went to Paul's house and asked for the car, but Paul refused to give it to him.The collector took Paul to court and won the car. TRUE STORY. What are your thoughts about the Collector getting the car after Paul and Vinnie already had a deal?

The author's comments:
The Judge decided that the car was the collector because he paid for the car. Even though Vinnie made a deal with Paul it was only a verbal agreement.


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