Starting School Later | Teen Ink

Starting School Later

June 9, 2022
By cacollins24 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
cacollins24 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you are a teenager in highschool, you have a lot to do throughout the day and after school. You have homework from most classes that sometimes takes hours to complete. Most kids also have sports or activities to attend after school, some kids also have work and different things they have to do to help their families or friends. Nowadays, most kids are getting to bed later than normal. Their bodies are extremely tired from a long day of school, work and other activities. Then, they finally come home and on average get less than 7 hours of sleep a night. 

On average, kids go to bed past midnight every night, my highschool starts early which means every morning I have to be up and out the door by 7. This is a very hard thing to do on 7 or less hours of sleep. Not only do I have to come into school and go to class right away, but, I have to force myself not to fall asleep and learn during my first period. Then, I have to spend the rest of my day tired and grumpy because I didn’t get enough sleep cause I had to wake up early for school. 

I believe that if kids had the chance to sleep in and get a few better hours of sleep a night it would change their behaviors. Most kids hate school, and yes, it might be because of the work and homework, but it is mainly about the time. It is about 7 hours of your day, 5 days a week, starting before the sun even gets a chance to rise. I believe that pushing school back another hour would help kids to get sleep and complete work without having to rush to get to bed. Also, I think it would help kids be able to focus better in school during the morning periods. When kids get good sleep, they also become better learners and are more likely to pay attention. 

With kids today staying up late with loads of homework, other chores or jobs they have after school, I think that pushing the time for arrival to school would be very important for kids. This will help them to get better grades and a better sleep schedule. They will be more energetic and active, and they will also be ready for the school day. 

Overall, the solution to this problem is to change the times of school so kids are able to get to sleep on time and go to school later in the day without having to wake up and be exhausted all day being forced to learn new things. 


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