The purpose of IDs | Teen Ink

The purpose of IDs

February 5, 2024
By KhushiM BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
KhushiM BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Sorry, I can't hang out today. I got lunch detention because of my ID. I don't know why we have to wear this thing every day, it's getting annoying…”. This is a clear example that many students end up having to face multiple consequences every day because of their ID, either breaking or forgetting the ID at home. Research proves that every year about 19% of students forget/lose their IDs and end up having to face a consequence. This proves, that for something so small, students face a big consequence. Do students forget/lose their ID on purpose or do they just not focus on this little thing because they don't know the purpose? Although many students do not understand the purpose of IDs they do benefit school safety.  

Initially, the question observed was “Which grade is the best at wearing IDs?”. Research shows that upon, walking around Brooklawn Middle School 8th graders are the best at wearing IDs and 7th graders are the worst at wearing IDs.  Further research, was conducted on students' opinions of IDs, the change students want, and what purpose the students think the ID holds when benefiting students. Students' opinions of IDs are all over the place, some students despise IDs and don't understand the purpose at all while other students understand the purpose of IDs but want to have some improvement. Students also think that students should have the freedom to be able to customize the IDs and not have to wear them but just have it available with students like being able to keep it in backpacks and be able to keep it in pockets. Another problem is that students don't understand the purpose of ID’s. Students think that IDs are used to keep track of their location. Therefore, although students do not understand the purpose of IDs most students do want some freedom when having to use it.


Many students need to learn the purpose of IDs though they do benefit school safety. Some schools need to pay more attention to the purpose of IDs and use IDs just to track students. According to the article, “Some people are concerned ID cards are too intrusive, forcing students to disclose their whereabouts, and check in every time they step into the facility” (Allen). This information shows,  that many people hate the concept of IDs and think that IDs are invading students' privacy. In some schools like Brooklawn Middle School students have to sign in and out to places like the bathroom and even the library. One example is that if a student needs to use the bathroom and the student used it not too long ago some teachers won't let the student go to the bathroom thinking the student will just roam the halls. This shows, that ID cards are intrusive and disclose a student's whereabouts. Another reason is that according to the text, cards can help “Determine whether people accessing school facilities are students, staff, or visitors”(Be Safe). This shows, that IDs can help identify strangers visiting the building. One example from Brooklawn Middle School is that when students forget their ID at home students have to go down to the office and get a sticker ID as a replacement for the day. However, there is a problem because when visitors come they are given the same sticker ID given to students. So in Brooklawn Middle School, there is no clear way to tell the difference between students and visitors. Overall IDs help assess school facilities and tell students, staff, and visitors apart. However, some schools like Brooklawn Middle School need to change how they show the difference between students and visitors. One last reason is that according to the article, “ID cards can be used to purchase lunch”(Source Security). This information shows, that IDs can be used to purchase lunches and have other purposes other than trying to invade a student's privacy. One example is that in Brooklawn Middle School when students want to check out books from the school library students just have to scan the book and the ID to get the book. The same thing goes for lunch at Brooklawn Middle School. This shows, how easy IDs are for students and staff as well. All of this evidence adds up to show, that even though IDs do need some improvement they do help students and staff. 

IDs do benefit school safety although despite that many students do not understand the purpose of IDs. While IDs do benefit school safety many students were not taught why it is necessary for schools. As teachers, it is important to educate students on why IDs are necessary for schools. Therefore as teachers start doing this students will feel more motivated to wear IDs and this will help promote school safety.

The author's comments:

This essay was a part of our journalism unit in our English class.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 8 2024 at 8:07 am
Prisha523 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
Now I actually understand the need for IDs. Thanks!