Madam President | Teen Ink

Madam President

June 11, 2014
By bellariptor PLATINUM, Lexington, Massachusetts
bellariptor PLATINUM, Lexington, Massachusetts
25 articles 70 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Poetry is the soundtrack to my life, the lyrics are my thoughts accompanied by the melody of my emotions.

The United States was founded on the principles of EQUALITY and opportunity. Our Declaration of Independence says, “all men are created equal.” And yes, the founding fathers meant men, as there were no founding mothers. In the 1770’s most women could not inherit property, let alone participate in government. Times have certainly changed. Thanks to suffragettes, suffragists and 150 years WE can own property, vote and hold public office. However, there is a disparity between what the law allows for women and actual gender equality.

It is not that our country needs a female president, but the lack of a president from any group that makes up 50% of the population is a statistical ANOMALY. This suggests that prejudice against females as leaders still exists. Out of 332 total candidates there have been 38 female presidential candidates but only FIVE have ever appeared on the general ballot. I am not suggesting that any president should be elected on the basis of gender. In fact, voting for a female candidate simply because she is a woman is sexist. Voting for a male candidate because you believe that he is more qualified, would be an act of feminism because you voted without regard for gender, therefore supporting the woman’s value as an equal and a competitor. I hope qualified women will continue to present themselves as candidates and I hope the American franchise will see their experience, intelligence and political agendas instead of gender.

Last week, I was discussing this idea with someone who said jokingly, “maybe you will be the FIRST female president”. I know he meant this as a compliment, but I think he missed my meaning. I am sixteen years old and will not be eligible to run for president until 2036. I would certainly hope that in the next twenty-two years a female president will be elected. While I am waiting, I will vote for the first time in 2016. Regardless of the gender of the candidate I vote for, I will appreciate the right to vote that both men and women enjoy in our country.


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