My letter to "The world". | Teen Ink

My letter to "The world".

January 17, 2015
By Vivi. SILVER, Karpenisi, Other
Vivi. SILVER, Karpenisi, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes talking to yourself can be harder than talking to others.You might have to prove to your own person that you're wrong."

Dear world,

First of all?Who are you?Are you Obama and a couple other leaders?Are you the children of Africa and Asia that start working at 5 years old?Are you my mom and dad,and all the parents that work as hard as they can so that I can go to college next year?Or are you,a teenager,all of the teenagers?I don't know.

All I know is you sometimes are the worst.

Sometimes for me,sometimes for others.

You see,you are strange.Because,we say.. “The world is..” But the world really isn't.
The world is me,the people who are on a meeting and the people who are eating at the moment.The world is the person reading this right now,.The world,is actually,everyone.-Thank you by the way for reading this.You are part of the world I sometimes love,you deserve a thank you even though I probably don't know you.-.

Well “The World”.I don't know what is happening to you.You started to act strange again.You draw your Gods on paper and you joke on them and then you kill yourself because you did that.Why?Why did you put money above all?
You could put movies above all.
But well,
Even if you put cat videos above all,you would still find a reason to hate yourself.

I wish I could just stop you for a second.I wish I could show you how beautiful it is when the sun rises.All parts of you can see the sun rise.You can all have the chance to taste a little bit of wine,and if not all,just GIVE some to the rest of you.Respect yourself dear world.You might be different at some parts,but you are all the same.Every single part of those 7 billion of you has a heart,and a brain.Every part of you has feelings,too.

Every part of you could feel hope seeing the sun rise.

You have chocolate! And coffee,and pizza,and french fries,and all of these,you should have the chance to taste them.

You have seen bad things.You've seen wars,and people who grew up together killing each other at the name of an idea.Don't do that.

You can help each other.Respect each other.Don't make jokes on Gods,don't kill people because they offended you.

You see,dear world,I believe in that: “Life knows,and I trust it”

I am happy to be part of you.

The author's comments:

Charles Bukowski says I shouldn't do it.
But I want to,So I am not going to re-edit,and stand over my laptop for hours.
It is about 2:20 a.m and I am thinking right now,about the world and how full of rubbish it is.But how beautiful at the same time.So,yeap,this is my letter to the world.


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