Crushed, Kicked, Canned | Teen Ink

Crushed, Kicked, Canned

April 10, 2023
By Solder SILVER, Oakville, Ontario
Solder SILVER, Oakville, Ontario
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one." - Doctor Who

I. Crushed

I’d be lying if I said I felt straightforward right now, 

Still, I feel like my lunch’s tinfoil cover, bent out of shape, 

Trying to swim through invisible oceans, a small vow

To help pay the price of a tedious future landscape. 

II. Kicked

I see my experience, blinked twice, a grand showmanship, 

In strife, but I’m slightly more inclined, to see a toy truth, 

As it shapes my mind, a quick fib, because a moment in

I’ll wake up and still be stuck, something I’ll someday soothe. 

III. Canned

These days, my ideas, seemed to be kept in a large jar

On the top rightmost shelf in my cupboard, interesting,  

Because I think I am sickening, so a clear-cut scar

In strength, as well as a reminder to be listening.

The author's comments:

This piece is written in three separate stanzas with a simple rhyme pattern using fourteen syllables per line. It is meant to show confusion amongst a sense of vulnerability that encapsulates the human feeling of introspection. By presenting it in a diary-style poem, with three different captions for each section, it helps to emphasize the different emotions being explored. 

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