Order of Power | Teen Ink

Order of Power

April 30, 2024
By Alex_Mills SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Alex_Mills SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The oldest daughter moves her chess piece and looks away.

Her clothes are red and gold, showing the family’s wealth.

She smiles smugly, proud of herself.

Looking away without a care.

The middle daughter looks at her oldest sister confused.

Her clothes are black and gold, showing the family’s wealth.

She holds her hand up questioning her sister's move.

Waiting for her to look back.

The youngest daughter looks at the confused sister smiling.

Her clothes are white and gold, showing the family’s wealth.

She is excited for her turn to play chess.

The maid stares at the youngest daughter with an envious smile.

Her clothes are white and covered in dirt, showing her lack of power.

She wishes she could play along.

The author's comments:

An Ekphrastic on The Chess Game by Sofonisba Anguissola (Italy) 1555


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