The End, Or Not. | Teen Ink

The End, Or Not.

July 7, 2009
By Kaitt PLATINUM, Petersburg, Virginia
Kaitt PLATINUM, Petersburg, Virginia
30 articles 1 photo 8 comments

On her knees again
She wants to live for you
But she can’t let go of the world
She holds onto her sin
Not wanting to be exiled
She wants to keep her friends
But she can’t do that
Not when she’s living for you
She prays for forgiveness like its nothing
Not knowing how much she’s really hurting you
Tomorrow won’t be any different
She’ll drink
And smoke
And be with the wrong people
But she won’t care
She’s falling into that hole
Deeper and deeper into the dark
She’s beyond the point of being reached
The dark is overwhelming
But wait, a tiny light is shining
It grows brighter and brighter
She’s back in the real world
She can see her sin as clear as day
On her knees again
This time things will change


This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 16 2009 at 3:55 pm
GlassHeart SILVER, Black Earth, Wisconsin
7 articles 8 photos 167 comments
I really like this piece! Really good job!