Desire of the heart | Teen Ink

Desire of the heart

March 8, 2012
By JPanda13 GOLD, Roswell, New Mexico
JPanda13 GOLD, Roswell, New Mexico
10 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
just cuz you put syrup on somin dont make it pancakes<br /> Whoever said sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me, had never been hit with a dictionary

It screams your name in the arbitrary moments
With a whisper in your ear
it tempts you beyond pain.
Desire has a strong spirit
It holds you hand
and then tricks you into thinking its a good thing
It furtively wishes you'll compromise
If you ever escape it will slither behind you and thrust you into its deceitful hand

The author's comments:
Desire is dangerous, and leads to choices, witch leads to regret


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