The Future Of Oranges | Teen Ink

The Future Of Oranges

December 16, 2012
By ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stand alone,
Amidst the snowy blizzard,
Clasping the ice coated oranges.
They are the only things I have left of that world, and I can't - let them go.

The frost seeps through to my skin,
Making me shiver and quiver,
As the snow falls down.
I never thought it would come to this,
Never thought the technology would - lead us here.

The oranges have lost their zest,
No more juice, no more taste,
They are dieing.
But they're here.
A fragment, a memory of the past,
Reminding me of when we actually used to eat things - things like these.

Now we survive from that thing,
That monster that generates the snow.
We're becoming like it ourselves,
Each passing day making us more numb,
more robotic, more inhumane and lifeless - lifeless till death.

I wonder if there is an escape?
Where or how I dont know but,
There must be, mustn't there?
In all the novels and fairytales, the films of long ago,
Good always rises against evil but, not anymore - I know.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem in my writer's group, for a project about the future. We were asked to imagine what the world might be like, hundrends or thousends of years from now, and write a poem about it.


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