The Red Hare Springing from my Chest | Teen Ink

The Red Hare Springing from my Chest

April 16, 2014
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A red hare springing from my chest
Thump thump it goes
When it will stop no one knows

That red hare springing from my chest
Jolts its way through
Its veiny hairs scraping my lungs
Prying skin from bone
causing excruciating pain.
His dark soulless eyes
Dug deep in his head
The red hare springing from my chest

Faintly another comes
Silently caressing my hare
His eyes bright, beautiful,
Suddenly my hare slips.
He leaps from my chest,
with a thump on the ground,
stone cold,
Crawling, scraping, bleeding
Crashing through the other

For the first time
my red hare has been taken.
Knowing if I shall ever have it back...
I will not know until the end.
The hard, cruel, bitter end.

The red hare springing from my chest

The author's comments:
Love inspired this peace, I am not proud of it. But it happened.


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