Dear God | Teen Ink

Dear God

February 13, 2009
By SheenaR GOLD, Saint Germain, Wisconsin
SheenaR GOLD, Saint Germain, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear God,
Could you paint me into her arms again?
Cause I cannot stand living this way
Thinking about her everyday
It shatters every dream I ever had
To know I cant be there for her

Dear God,
Could you paint me into her arms again?
Cause today I wanted to cry
When she said, 'that made me smile'
With my smile so tight
My eyes watered away

Dear God,
Could you paint me into her arms again?
Cause Last night was living hell
She ran through my mind
Tormenting my ability to think
Leaving me sleep deprived

Dear God,
Could you paint me into her arms again?
Cause Waiting for this call
Just like a child waits for freedom
Anxious to talk
Just as impatient as that child

Dear God,
Spare You and I some work,
So we can sleep like before,
Just paint me into her arms again


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 24 2009 at 11:10 pm
Azncookiepirate BRONZE, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 8 comments
I like the repetitive beggining lines

and the "paint me into her arms again".

Is there a story behind the poem?

This is awesome!!^^ nice work.