Hope, Love, Wish... | Teen Ink

Hope, Love, Wish...

February 21, 2009
By clyn12 GOLD, Troy, Michigan
clyn12 GOLD, Troy, Michigan
12 articles 1 photo 9 comments

I held on to his hand
and looked into his eyes,
and thought these simple words:
''I don't want him to die.''

Last year, he had been diagnosed
with a tumor of the brain,
Even though he'd been in remission,
it was now back again.

The doctors and the nurses
said there was some hope;
If he stayed positive and took his medicine,
Maybe he could cope.

The knowledge of the doctors
and talents of the nurse
Helped the little boy
Overcome the worst.

All through it he stayed happy
and never had a pessimistic thought;
Instead he played games and met with friends,
And not once was he distraught.

A long year later,
He finally began to be better.
When released from the hospital,
he sat down and wrote a letter:

''Dear God,'' it read,
''Thank you so much for saving me.
Now I am a normal boy just like my friends
and can even climb a tree!

Now I can celebrate Fathers Day
And Mothers Day too.
I can even teach my baby brother
How to tie his shoes!''

What a happy day this was for him,
when he knew he was not sick;
His positive attitude, and friends support
gave him the strength to give cancer a kick.

The author's comments:
This was written in memory of all children suffering from cancer/other diseases. Thw picture represents the road he had to climb to get healthy again. Thanks for reading and please rate and comment :-]


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