halfway unfinished | Teen Ink

halfway unfinished

February 25, 2009
By Whinitah BRONZE, Flagstaff, Arizona
Whinitah BRONZE, Flagstaff, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." -Benjamin Franklin

There is a halfway sad story
Hidden beneath the smile
Of all the people
Who feel

There is a halfway terrified child
Sitting on the carpet
In the yellow room
Where no children play

There is a halfway read copy
Of the book you don't
Recommend to your grandparents
Sitting on the antique bedside table
Next to the bed
Of the sleeping grandma
Who will never wake up
But who will not die in her sleep

There is a halfway grown up girl
Crying on the tree branch
Where the little blue swing
Used to squeak
While she laughed

There is a halfway sleeping boy
Walking with his eyes open
Screaming to the darkness
Of unimaginable

There is a halfway ringing telephone
Calling to tell the mother of the children
Who stayed late at school
That she has no parents

there is a halfway happy daydreamer
staring at a map
of a place that is very

There is a halfway developed photograph
Of the halfway terrified child
Of the halfway happy daydreamer
Of the halfway grown up girl
Of the mother of the children
Of the halfway sleeping boy
Of the grandmother
Who liked the book you don't
Recommend to your grandparents
And they are all


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