The Hope of Despair | Teen Ink

The Hope of Despair

March 10, 2009
By Kathryn_Greene BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
Kathryn_Greene BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye only serves to make the whole world blind."

Can you not see it?
That which condemns us to this life of brutality?
Evil lies within the dregs of society.
Can you not feel it?
That which ties us to this life of discord and enmity?
Evil hides within the roots of the soul.
Can you not taste it?
That which lusts for the blood of others?
Evil lurks within the shadows of the mind.
Can you not hear it?
That which glories in the cries of the dying souls?
Evil clings to hate and greed.

I can see the evil.
I can feel the evil.
I can taste the evil.
I can hear the evil.

Yet, within humanity's fetid fruit, exists a viable seed of hope.

The author's comments:
This piece was written as an English assignment about the Lord of the Flies by William Golding. It is told from Simon's point of view after he has the vision of the talking pig's head or the "Lord of the Flies." My father helped me with the title. Enjoy.

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