Beyond the Dreaming Sky | Teen Ink

Beyond the Dreaming Sky

September 14, 2024
By Starz_elite3 BRONZE, Severna Park, Maryland
Starz_elite3 BRONZE, Severna Park, Maryland
2 articles 5 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Keep your face towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you”

In a small town where the rivers flow,

Lived a dreamer with a heart aglow.

She’d gaze at the stars, so bright above,

Wishing to soar, to fly like a dove.


“Don’t you worry,” her mother would say,

“Chase your dreams, don’t let them stray.

For the world is big, and you are strong,

With courage and love, you can’t go wrong.”


Through fields of daisies, she’d run and sing,

Imagining all the wonders life would bring.

With each little step, her spirit would rise,

Painting her hopes across the skies.


So if you’re lost, just look within,

Your dreams are waiting, let the journey begin.

With every heartbeat, you’ll find your way,

Just be a dreamer, come what may.

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