Fight For | Teen Ink

Fight For

October 30, 2022
By Anonymous

Tupac once said:

“I wonder why we take from our women…

[why] do we hate our women?” 

In the song Keep Ya Head Up. 

Even on the 24th anniversary

Of its release,

His lyrics still apply every single day,

To each and every one of us.  

The Nineteenth Amendment,

Passed on June 4th, 1919,

Gave women the right to vote,

The right to choose our politicians. 

Title VII, 

Added to the Civil Rights Act in 1964,

Gave women the right to equality, 

The right to be treated as equals. 

The Supreme Court Case of Roe vs. Wade, 

Ruled January 22nd, 1973, 

Gave women the right to abortion

The right to choose to bring life into the world or not. 

So, tell me why, 

In 2022, 

There is a debate

On these matters? 

Why are men

(and some women, 

But nearly not as many)

Trying to take away our choice? 

The rights that we’ve had for decades? 

Why are we meant to be equals, 

But bans are placed on our bodies 

And none on theirs? 

Why are we continuously fought against, 

And not fought for? 

Life has never turned its tables against men. 

So why has it turned its tables against us? 

Did we do something wrong? 

Surely, not. 

And if no one will fight for us, 

Then we must fight for ourselves.

The author's comments:

I had a lot of fun writing this piece! I originally submitted it to a different contest (I still own all rights to it), and I thought it'd be nice to share it on Teen Ink, too. 

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