The power within | Teen Ink

The power within

August 14, 2023
By ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

The placement of a single life,

Within the confinement of the day.

Our first breath holds that promise,

Reaching out to the sun’s first morning ray.

Then all at once it is merely gold,

As far out that the eye can see.

The world is filled out with luminous light,

Life is suddenly filled with so much of possibility.


The moving sun climbs higher,

As the years seem to fly past: marching by.

Seek for the blossoms - shall we be alive!

Beneath the dazzling midnight sky,

Within its caressing warmth we feel eternal.

Before we reach the mountains all too soon,

We are slowly lulled away by our shadows,

Fading away from near sight into the afternoon.


It here till the moon shall speak and the luck will have us,

That we may sit in the gentle reflection.

And look back at those fleeting moments lost in time,

With our hearts deep in shallow affliction.

That how we lived within ebb and flow may paint the sky,

The way the buttery sun does as it takes a set,

In the paradox of us never knowing,

The whole world will soon forget.


What comes next is surely not for us to know,

But if the likenesses are truly right,

Then it shall be no lesser wonder

Than the splendour beneath the twilight.

And it is magic to imagine

Our light perhaps may be reborn.

And so what if one day out of the darkness,

Comes a brand new shining dawn?

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