Elements | Teen Ink


February 9, 2024
By Makennabobenna GOLD, Golden, Colorado
Makennabobenna GOLD, Golden, Colorado
11 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Ⅰ. Fire.

My flames burn bright

I live in the sun

And warm the earth

I'll light the way

So you can see

I bring comfort

In a storm

I can be frightful

I can burn

I can cause damage

But I can be contained

Ⅱ. Water.

I come in waves

I am everywhere

I’m in the clouds

Where I can cry

I live in you 

I am lived in

Ill freeze

Ill soothe

Fire can be put out

I can save

But I am not wet

Ⅲ. Earth.

My soil is packed deep

I can hold heavy weight

I can carry rocks

I can carry you

Water is my close friend

She grows my family of green

My family is close 

we are deeply rooted

Fire lights my path

But is my enemy

He can kill forests

But I can’t live without him

And you can’t live without me

Ⅳ. Air.

I wave “hi”

But you don’t care

I make you cold

But I help you breathe

I’ll breathe hard, 

Make you mad.

I’m in everything, 

In water,

And earth, 

Even in fire!

I’ll grow everyone

And never stop

I’m a blanket

And I’ll keep you safe


Ⅴ. Space.

Planets stay in orbit

I’ll hold them in place

I’m around them

And I’m around you

I’ll keep my distance

I won’t bite

I am the color of darkness

Where I can hold Galaxies

I hold fire

I can hold earth

But I stay away from water

She won’t live

I’ll hold in place

And I’ll hold your hand.


The author's comments:

The elements are one of the most beautiful parts of nature and should be nourished and loved for what they are.

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