2014 | Teen Ink


April 23, 2024
By starrbm0927 BRONZE, Antigo, Wisconsin
starrbm0927 BRONZE, Antigo, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
why chase someone TO love when you should be chasing the one you DO love...........let that sink in

when I was six 

I went to school. 

and made a list,

I wanted to show daddy.

and make him feel happy.

I waited for his truck. 

now it's 2016, daddy what the F**k.

mommy where's daddy?

it's been 2 years. 

mommy's still in tears

now it's been 6... 

merry Christmas dad 

"Hey buddy, have you been bad?"

it's about time you called, you made mom mad. 

and I've been sad. 

I waited for you dad, now wait for me.

I wake up in bed happy my dream finally came to an end.

now it's just me and mommy.

she looks at me and says. 

I'm sorry buddy...


The author's comments:

this is a poem I wrote about my dad Long story shot when I was in 1st grade our teacher gave us and assignment and we had to make a list of things we loved about someone and I made it about my dad but when I went to show him he wasn't there finally many years later he called on Christmas but ya know i looked at it differently that oh my dad's finally talking to me but then he ended up passing away in 2021 

R.I.P I still love you dad 04-21-66/04-30-21.

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