why? | Teen Ink


April 23, 2024
By starrbm0927 BRONZE, Antigo, Wisconsin
starrbm0927 BRONZE, Antigo, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
why chase someone TO love when you should be chasing the one you DO love...........let that sink in

My fears lead me to a fake identity. 

I was lost.

my self inflicted wounds caused chaos. 

my trust withheld. 

my will to strive. 

crushed due to my own demise. 

sometimes I pleaded and wondered...why?


why is it so hard to cry? 

the sh*t I went through used to make me want to die.

I used to think, make a tie.

throw it up high.

and maybe then

I could fly.

yet here I am asking...why?

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