Friends | Teen Ink


May 25, 2010
By MissMissingSoul BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
MissMissingSoul BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Salt Water is the cure for everything; whether it be sweat, tears, or the sea <br /> &lt;3

When you’re having a bad day
And nothing seems to be going your way
There’s that someone that will always be there
Your friend

A true one is rare
But when your souls find one another
You make an inseparable pair
It’s as if you are floating on air

Age, gender, race
A total klutz or full of grace
It doesn’t matter
The bond friends share is hard to shatter

They might be a neighbor or mother
A sister or brother
Where you’ll find them, you never know
You just have to start with saying “hello”

When you need a hand or listening ear
Someone to chase away the fear
Or a shoulder for you to shed a tear
Friends will always be near

You share secrets
You share tears
You share smiles
You share cheers

You’re SpongeBob and Patrick
Batman and Robin
Bonnie and Clyde
When you’re together there is nothing to hide

And when your world comes crashing down
A friend is forever around
To pick up the pieces
And put you back together

The author's comments:
my friends mean the world to me, so i was inspired to write a poem about my feelings toward friendship

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