Miss You | Teen Ink

Miss You

August 2, 2010
By MissMissingSoul BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
MissMissingSoul BRONZE, South Jordan, Utah
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Salt Water is the cure for everything; whether it be sweat, tears, or the sea <br /> &lt;3

I miss you.
I miss your face,
your loving embrace.
I miss the way you walk,
the way you talk.
I miss the way you hold me,
and everything you told me,
even if they were lies.
you said you loved me,
and I said it back.
I even actually believed it
until you left...

I tried being mad,
I told everybody I hated you
I know its a little late,
but i miss you.
I miss the way you kiss me
I miss the feeling of bliss i had when i was in your arms...

I still remember.
remember all the promises you broke
I remember all our inside jokes
we share a heart you know.
but I guess you forgot.
because otherwise you would feel.
feel the pain.
the pain that I feel everytime I see you.
I smile and wave as you walk on by
but I'm dying inside.
I know its a little late...

but I still miss you.

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