the scale of emotion. | Teen Ink

the scale of emotion.

July 21, 2010
By charlestyler. SILVER, Oakdale, California
charlestyler. SILVER, Oakdale, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;originality is cliche.&quot;<br /> <br /> - me.

such a beautiful disaster,
incognito bliss,
that is the blanket of dispair,
the comfort in sadness.

such a destructive beauty,
hidden wretchedness,
the white mask of joy,
the shell of happiness.

such an obsequious thought,
lethargic hope,
of agreeing eyes,
a level slope.

such a distorted wish,
of a mental nude,
the absence of bewilderment,
the abundance of beautitude.

but madness always swells,
with and over time,
and in a beautifully disasterous way,
i guess i feel sublime.

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