Walking Alone | Teen Ink

Walking Alone

November 8, 2010
By kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love Conquers All"

Walking alone.
On that empty trail.
With that fresh snowfall covering it.
I am walking alone.
It is silent.
No noise, except for the sound of my feet.
Crunching on the frozen ground.
I am walking alone.
But suddenly, I stop.
I see something in the trees.
I turn, to see a red bird.
Stop, and land in the middle of the road.
The red bird is a blur on the new-fallen snow.
I am walking, but this time, not alone.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem back in 6th grade. It is the first poem I have ever seriously written. I wrote it for a school assignment, and my teacher enjoyed it. I've kept the poem with me, and I'm proud to say it was my first legitimate piece of work I've done.

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