Simple, Rehearsed | Teen Ink

Simple, Rehearsed

December 22, 2010
By kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love Conquers All"

You promised it would be easy.
Simple, rehearsed.

I feel your touch against my skin.
Your tender lips brushing against my fragile frame.
“Just relax” you hushed my ragged breath.

With a kiss, you felt so safe.
Something so serene, so satisfying.

I felt my body unite with yours.
As everything intertwined.
The colors of the night harmonized together.
The noise faded into our surroundings.

The clocks hands synchronized together.
Tick on quietly, patiently, methodically.

I've never felt so secure.
I've never felt so satisfied.
I've never felt so loved.

The author's comments:
This is what late nights in bed sick produce, (:

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