A Month Without You... | Teen Ink

A Month Without You...

April 18, 2011
By WorshipDancer900 BRONZE, Oakdale, Pennsylvania
WorshipDancer900 BRONZE, Oakdale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep things in the shadows, then how can they be tested by the light of truth?"

They say that time is healing
when it comes to dealing with loss.
But I still miss her as much as day one.

I've heard that just because death comes,
doesn't mean you stop living.
But the world is so much different without Nana in it.

But I'm still here trying to get through,
Living with a love that she constantly proved.

I guess I'm afraid to find that life goes on.
Because it just doesn't seem right to with her gone.

I'm going to start living and she would be proud,
cause I'm gonna live with the love that she was all about.

I have mourned my loss and rejoiced in her gain.
I'm always going to miss her,
and some days there will be pain.

But I have to keep living even if it doesn't always seem right
and I'll keep her alive in my memory as I go through life.

Today I will start living again, and of my day she will always be a part.
because I'll keep every memory of her close to my heart.

She is in a better place now
where there is no more sadness and pain.
So although I may mourn my loss,
I will live life celebrating in her gain.

It's only been a month without her,
but seems just like yesterday
that God took Nana away.

This time apart, it breaks my heart,
but I can't wait to see her again someday. <3


In Memory of Joan M. P.
October 18, 1947 - July 31, 2010

The author's comments:
I wrote this a month after my Nana died. She was a strong and amazing woman who had a bigger heart than anyone I ever knew. She forgave so easily and quickly and she taught me to live that same way. I cannot wait to see her in heaven someday!

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