Rich and Poor | Teen Ink

Rich and Poor

March 30, 2011
By Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
Puzzlepeace GOLD, Bellevue, Nebraska
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Music is all around you, all you have to do... is listen.&quot;<br /> -August Rush

The rich grow richer and the poor go down.
To the depths of despair and poverty around.

Banks and people grabbing at their feet.
While the rich stand on the edge to watch their lives deplete.

The poor are homeless, seeking for hope.
But the Rich will never help them cope.

Until the day comes that the poor all die.
And the rich are still here, living their selfish lives.

The Poor are with Jesus, watching down with Pity.
The Rich are on earth, owning everything they can, thinking they are witty.

Until the day that the rich die, and fly up to the highest of the heavens and skies.

At the Gates of God the rich stand.
Reaching desperately for Christs' hand.

But Jesus Tells them that they are not welcome there.
And that it is their turn to feel the depths of despair.

So he cast the rich into the fires of hell.
As the Poor sit on the throne, lively and well.

The Poor Grow Richer, and the Richer go down.
To the Depths of Despair and Poverty, around.

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