Why I Write | Teen Ink

Why I Write

November 14, 2013
By Jay-Lynn BRONZE, Burnsville, West Virginia
Jay-Lynn BRONZE, Burnsville, West Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because Im different DOn't mean I'm Fake.

I write for just a few things,
Only a few know.

Of what could it even be.

Is it of love?

Is it of anger?

Or could it even be loss?

I'm here to say.

Love Anger and Loss and very good of why we write.'

But thoughs could never be my reason.

My reason you ask?
What took so long to say?

My reason you see,
Is because i am me.

I was hurt when i was just a little girl.
Now i write with pain.

I was Inlove at 15,
So i write with passion.

I lost my baby brother to cancer,
so i write with tears

My poetry come from all i have to hide.
All i have been though.

So i had to learn to write for my heart.
Not what was put in my mind.

I have to say what all happen to me.
It all makes me weak.

I write for all i can say.
No one ever said..

I was never allowed to write.

I write to show the real and true me.
The one i was Forced to Hide!

The author's comments:
My teacher told me to write about why I Write to get rid of my writers block.

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