The Berlin Wall | Teen Ink

The Berlin Wall

November 12, 2014
By myranda calderio BRONZE, Jefferson, New Jersey
myranda calderio BRONZE, Jefferson, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started on August 13th 1961.
Its when the berlin wall begun.
Referred to as the “Anti-fascist protection rampart”
Implying that neighboring west germany did not fully depart.

Constructed to be a barrier during the cold war.
As it stood eleven feet tall and much more.
As many as 200 people tried to cross.
But sadly many lives were lost.

One-million people attended pro-democracy demonstration.
So they started and administration,
To get rid of the wall.
Which sadly stood there proud and tall.

Communist remove border restrictions,
Then the government opened the border for east germany and west berlin to release friction.
and everyones faces began to make a grin.
As the wall is torn down and germany is reunited with berlin.

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