My love | Teen Ink

My love

November 11, 2014
By KWong BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
KWong BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life may not be the greatest today, but don't dawn on it. Look forward to the next day and the day after to be better than the day before." - Me

When I look into your eyes,

There is a thing i realize.

That no matter what you do,

I will always be here for you.

Your silly laugh and cute smile,

Has me crazy but it's worth the while.

You're always so cute and cheerful,

And you are so beautiful.

You're blowing me kisses,

While before I was striking out misses.

I've always wanted to be with you,

Now i'm first and that's where i'm due.

I've had the biggest crush,

When I hear you my blood starts to rush.

When i look into your eyes,

I get butterflies

So i keep my head down,

And my heart renown.

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