I Don't Want To Be Beautiful | Teen Ink

I Don't Want To Be Beautiful

February 18, 2016
By E.M.I SILVER, Payson, Utah
E.M.I SILVER, Payson, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be smart.

I don't want my appearance to be the only thing you look at,

I want what's in my brain to be the first thing you see.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be funny.

I don't want my hair to be the first thing you judge,

I want my laugh and witz to be contageous.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be powerful.

I don't want my makeup to make an impact on your opinion,

I want my voice to change your opinion.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be adventurous.

I don't want my clothes to determine the distance,

I want my mind and body to tell me how far I can go.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be dangerous.

I don't want to be seen as nice just because I look nice,

I want to be feared when I'm seen.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be strong.

I don't want my hands to be perfectly manacured,

I want my hands to look like they are used.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be carefree,

I don't want to be on diets just to keep my social statis,

I want to eat what ever the hell I want with my friends.


I don't want to be beautiful,

I want to be me.

I don't want you to decide who I am,

I want to make myself me.

The author's comments:

No words need to be said. Just, please, get inspired.

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