You Are My Sister | Teen Ink

You Are My Sister

February 18, 2016
By E.M.I SILVER, Payson, Utah
E.M.I SILVER, Payson, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate you,

But I love you.

You are stupid,

But you are smart.

You are ugly,

But you are pretty.

I don't want to be you,

But I'm jealous of you.

You are you,

But that's okay.

You are a bad singer,

But I want your voice.

I hate the way you dress,

But I want your clothes.

You are b****y,

But I love your attitude.

You are too preppy,

But I want your spirit.

I hate your makeup,

But I want to know how to do it.

You are over controlling,

But I want to be in charge.

You are my sister,

But we can still be friends.

The author's comments:

This is how I feel about my sister.

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