Assault | Teen Ink


November 16, 2016
By E.M.I SILVER, Payson, Utah
E.M.I SILVER, Payson, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is 16

a baby herself

and she's going to have one of her own


She is 20

a mom already

and she's forced to have another one


She is 24

a college student

and she's forced to say that she wanted to


She is 28

a scared woman

and she's going to give her children away


She is 16

a frightened girl

and she's wondering where her mother went


She is 20

a scholar athlete

and she's forced to act like it was nothing


She is 24

a successful woman

and she's finally taking the pain away


She is 28

a naval aviator

and she's lying there asking why this is happening

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