Florida By Night | Teen Ink

Florida By Night

October 15, 2010
By DanceRadioDance BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
DanceRadioDance BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Words are such fickle visions, so pay attention to body language&quot;<br /> -Poets of the Fall

Tonight I'll tell you something that I've
Disguised for a while
I'd run impossible distances if
I finish at your smile
And morning is just so far off
But here it is we lay
Underneath a sky of Florida stars
Wishing the night to stay

And tonight I'll sing to you
A heartfelt lullaby
Watching minutes turn to hours
That endlessly fly by
And I'll leave my initials on your heart
If it means that you won't leave
Baby you could love me dearly
But even the best of hearts deceive

Tonight I'll tell you something that I've
Disguised this whole year
It is a gift to forget to the empty words
That you would always hear
I could tell you not to break my heart
But that's no guarantee
Through my clumsy tongue will escape
The words I won't set free

And tonight I'll sing to you
A heartfelt lullaby
Watching minutes turn to hours
That endlessly fly by
And I'll leave my initials on your heart
If it means that you won't leave
Baby you could love me dearly
But even the best of hearts deceive

In this downfall we call sweet desire
Our demise will drown this open fire
And in the ashes that will remain
Will be his shattered lover's weary name

And tonight I'll sing to you
A heartfelt lullaby
Watching minutes turn to hours
That endlessly fly by
And I'll leave my initials on your heart
If it means that you won't leave
Baby you could love me dearly
But even the best of hearts deceive

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